Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Oki writeup + Plans for next session

Okizeme is a term to continuously pressure a waking up opponent. Nina is strong in this department as she got good assortment of moves to pick up an opponent and also do damage if they remain floored.

From a 1+4/d434 spike
- d4,1/df1/d2 catches back rolls/fast getup/-pops them up into another combo.
- d3+4/db3/uf1 against grounded opponents for damage

- Delay db3/ss1 b~u for post oki mixup.
-ff+1+2 is guaranteed

ch qcf+3
-d+2 is clearly the best option youve got right here because it is guaranteed. it hits stayers, siderollers and picks up backrollers and those trying to stand up
-if they know this already and almost never stands up, you can now put in more damaging moves for stayers like ff+1+2

WTF options

-wtf, wtf is guaranteed (but the opponent could lessen the damage by trying to move)

-if that's the case, you could relaunch them using d+4,1, df+3,2, 1, 1+4, B!, ws+1, ff+3 if they try to stand up or backroll

you can also use cc, d+2 into juggle for backrollers and d+2 also hits stayers. its up to you what to use, but i personally prefer using d+4,1 over cc, d+2 because d+4,1 is hit confirmable (you can choose not to hit 1 if the 4 wont hit making you safer) and has triple purpose (hits siderollers, launches both backrollers and those standing up

-finally, ff+1+2 for massive damage for stayers. also safe if you guessed wrong

d+3,d+4 wall tech trap

BASIC: when you hit an opponent with wtf (d,df+4) against the wall, d+3,d+4 is guaranteed

ADVANCED: after wtf, d+3,d+4, you can do a tech catch by doing UF+n+4. What will happen is that you will hit the opponent with the UF+n+4 leaving you both in BT position. after this, you may do a throw from BT position to back throw the opponent. =)

Spike Ender Mixups

BASIC: when you hit an opponent with uf+2,1 against the wall, d+3,4,3 is guaranteed

ADVANCED: since d+3,4,3 spikes the opponent in the ground (no techroll), we can mixup after that.

  uf+3 or d+3,d+4 (other options would be db+3 or uf+1+2 or d,df+4).
After a spike ender on the wall, majority of the opponents like to sideroll. uf+3, wtf, and d+3,d+4 all hits siderollers in any direction while db+3 is safer, it only tracks sideroll left but still leaves you safe if they sideroll the right way.  The siderollers are left with the option to stand up, or to stay down. If they stay down or sideroll, d+3,d+4 will hit them. and whats the good thing about hitting the d+3,d+4 other than it being guaranteed? the possibility of a tech trap of course (read d+3,d+4 wall tech trap). 

If the opponent chooses to stand up, the options here are very rewarding. If they choose to stand up and and block high, wtf will hit them, then another guaranteed d+3,d+4, into tech trap option again. uf+1+2 is kinda self explanatory. uf+3 gets them re-walled for some awesome damage if they choose to duck after standing up.

CH bait with 332/432, the first hit will whiff , this fakes an opening which might trick the opponent to use wakeup kick. The 3,2 will launch CH them.

kick~roll wall techtrap

BASIC: if you get to have a wall splat, you can tech catch them with a 3~roll and have them BT for you to enjoy. 

For example, juggle, B! then end with ws+1,1+2, W!.. hit them with a 3~roll. when the opponent techs, they leave their back towards you allowing you to get a free df+3,1,2,f+1+2 after the tech catch to get them to another wall and cause larger amounts of damage.


THROW OKIZEME - for those who dont know, okizeme is "the art of damaging your opponent while he is getting up off the ground" and quite commonly called "wakeup games"

1+3 / df+1+3 followups

f+1+2 - huge damage for siderollers and backrollers

ss, wtf - hits stayers and siderollers. (the ss part allows wtf to hit siderollers becuse ss realigns your character to the opponent)

db+3 - safer alternative to ss, wtf

d+4,1 - picks up opponents trying to stand and backrollers into pickup d+4,1, df+3,2, 1+4, B!, d+2,3

*2+4~,1,2,1,2,1,3 and df,df+1has no okizeme options, the opponent could just stand up safely*

df+2+4 followups

same options with df+1+3 and 1+3, but better, because:

-d+4,1 hits the opponent backturned if they try to standup
-f+throw will backthrow opponents trying to stand up

 Plans for Next Session
Use more Hayashida during spacing.

More ws1 to advance forward with a mid.

Poke more diligently with df4/b4. Use way more low pokes like d3,4.

Frame trap with d3,2 if df4 hits.

Have more faith in df1 for rushing down. Use more 1+4 while rushing down to lessen the panic options available to the opponent. Conditions them to use ws moves allowing ss2 to be setup more.

Mixup ss1 cancel move instead of just db3. Use more mids after a ss1.

Against cornered opponent try using sway4 as a launcher.


Bryan: df1 him alot while pressuring him. This should stop uf4/df3 in attempts to crush out of pressure. Watch the distance so that df3 won't hit as the leg part will go right under it. Occasionally bait the punch parry. Nina lacks reliable mid kicks so try 1,2,3 as he mashes the punch parry.

 ss2 might pop him out of snake edge at closer ranges. uf4 is the one to watch out for in this regard. 

1+4 should shut him from using snake edge. If he insists on hitting buttons then punish with ss2 or block punish.

uf4 does not track to his right so ssl2

Respect b1. If the range is quite far don't risk stuffing it or sidewalking it on reaction. Just prepare for the mixup afterwards as he has no fast enough low/mid that leads to damage on hit.

Zafina: Avoid using highs as much as possible other than magic 4.

Drag: d1 after a blocked b2 to shut his options out. Mixup only pops up on hit.

Wang: Poke away, watch his movement then intercept.

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