Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Jin feedback

As far as 1,2,3 goes...sidestepping is tough timing on the 3... on block...if they block... you could of followed up with a 1+2 assuming they'll try d/b+1 you or just 1_2_1,2 in attempt to push you back... you could of also done a throw after the 3 was blocked, or even d+3,3 for mix up.

in the first match you played, when marduk did the low kick... a 1+2 would of definitely helped you out...and it would of hit him out of his animation...his d+4 is i14f...jin's 1+2 is 12f, it's a good follow up post 1,2,3_1,3~b_1,3~3. also use more mix ups between d/f+1<4...it tracks so it'll help stop sidesteppers as well as stand 4.

just a quick note some things to mix up: 1,2_2,1_d/f+1>4_1,3~b_1,3~3_3,1_1,d+3__d+3,3_2,4 (i mostly use this for post parry or punish...10f is quite sexy)

jin's got moves that hit mid...so use them. also. the d+4. nice to use, but if they start predicting they'll parry it for a free combo...use b+4 for pushback on block and it hits mid...so if they duck they'll get smacked, or if they switch to high block it'll push em back for safe spacing (safe enough at least, they won't be in your face). you could also use WD,f+4 or WD f,+2 as well...i switch between wd+3_wd,f+4_wd,f+2_f+4_b+4. those are your safest bets if you're trying to play safe.

use throws in your mixups as well...

Also use the parries on the last hit of their strings...that way you dont get smacked if you try to throw out 2,4...I spent a lot of time practicing timing with the majority of characters vs jin in training...it pays to study other characters as well as their hit properties.

overall your gameplay just needs a little more variety...e.g. b,f+2,1 [stop], then maybe 2,1 or something else... utilize ewgf more for pushback and spacing. you could try delaying the 4 in d/f+1,4....sometimes ppl will try to jab you out of your short strings like 2,1 etc.... if you delay the 4 just right, you can get some damage in. -- use cds / cds cancels along w/ your WDing too...good for bait

practice more movement too...didn't see much bdc or sidestepping...your gameplay seemed somewhat linear.

1st vid:

1st match:
Again...still a lack of mix ups - towards the middle of the video...IPTF noticed you almost always finished your 2,1,4 or 1,2,3... off course you wouldn't to be predictable cause then you could be read.

Slightly more movement but still not enough to make a difference (e.g. cause whiff, or keep you away from the walls or keep him against the walls).

off a CH d/b+4, you can get a free b,f+2,1 or a b+2,1 (with marduk i know the timing is tricky for one of those...can't remember which).

2nd match:
try using 1,d+3_d+3,3 as well...I didn't see you use either of those in your mix ups...IPTF knew you would throw 1,2 more so than the rest of your other short strings... he anticipated, ducked and punished you because he could read you.

Also...another thing I noticed...you stay committed once you throw a move when you're close enough. You should try going in just outside the mid range and back out to bait him in. From your play style, you'll 90% of the time come in with a committed jab or b+2,1.

b+2,1 would be the safe option to close the gap between you and your opponent, but that leaves you in their face after block. (assuming they block)

again lack of ewgfs for pushing and spacing.

1st match:
repetitive use of d+4 will get you punished...switch up with b+4_f+4_ f,f+4 so you can leave your opponent guessing.
and again when you're in lead with health...you'll tend to rush in and try to rush down your opponent, or if you have low life... play it safe and back up a bit...make him use a move you can read easy..parry and punish or wait til he whiffs hard to launch punish...this is where spacing is important

2nd match:
Too aggressive tbh. That wouldn't be an issue if they didnt know how to play against YOUR jin...but I'm assuming you and IPTF are dailies. I think you need to re-evaluate your play style kage, and try to adjust for your weaknesses as of now.

3rd match:
Seems like you rushed in a lot on this match too...it costed you a match point . And it seems like your play style hasn't changed much from the 2nd match .

my personal analysis from your vids uploaded so far:

1. lack of mix ups - leads to predictability
2. lack of defense - chip damage in the long run will hurt.
3. over aggressiveness - if a player with good D can shut you down, and you only play in one style mostly...it'll be easy to pinpoint what you abuse/do often and take advantage of it. or rather expose your lack of skill in another area (e.g. defense)
4. lack of spacing

one thing I also noticed was you roll a lot to get up...try just mashing 2 and up til you get it up (quick getup command)...its a lot quicker than rolling and could let you block in time.

also after 1,3~b...when IPTF was throwing punches in..1+2 would of caught him...or even 2,1_b+2,1

If you block a low that seems quick as well, ws+4 will usually hit for some chip damage(i11f).

also you were lacking eCD+1...good for whiff punish too.

just remember:

ws+4 =11f
1+2 = 12f
ws+1>2 = 13f for first hit
ws+2 = 14f
standing 4 = 13f

2,4 is -13f on block... I noticed you somewhat abused that during the last two matches...you could use d/f+1,4 as a safe alternative...and d/f+1 as just a little more reach than stand 1. so you won't have to be in as deep to get a hit confirm.

and also...jins 1 & 2 are both 10f... if 2,4 you won't think will connect, use 2,1 so he won't duck the 4. or 1,d+3. to catch him off guard.

my advice for now:

...work on your defense and broaden your play style more as well as the above mentioned in my earlier post...I don't mean any offense to you at all...but right now I think you're lacking some elements of foundation.

Jin may be easy to play but hes tough to take on in the long run...work on that foundation and you'll be a much stronger player from what I can tell.

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